
交通部长陆兆福强调,政府不会延长电子召车服务司机的註册期限。他说, 政府自去年7月,就已通知所有电子召车服务公司,为旗下的电子召车司机进行註册。「我们给他们一年的时间来符合所有条件,他们不能说没有得到这个指示或资讯。这些资讯已告诉他们了,所以他们必须要马上进行註册工作。」

他说,目前距离註册的期限还有6个月,因此电子召车服务公司还有足够的时间做好准备。「我们不会延长的( 期限) , 我们已经给足够的时间。因为我们告诉全马来西亚,在7月12日过后,就会实行新的政策。」陆兆福今日在国家基建公司回应有关电子召车公司指未做好准备为该公司旗下的司机註册一事,表示惊讶。


Kit Siang : My first experience which illustrates the failures of BN policies on upliftment of Orang Asli in last six decade

Trapped at Kampong Orang Asli Semoi Lama on New Year’s Eve together with MP for Bentong Wong Tack, State Assemblyman for Tanah Rata Chiong Yoke Kong, former PH Candidate for Cameron Highlands M. Manogaram, cutting from all access to the outside world, is my first experience which illustrates the failures of BN policies on upliftment of Orang Asli in last six decade. I have just come out from my visits to the Orang Asli settlements in Cameron Highlands since Saturday.

My visit, which was planned to end yesterday, could not go as planned as together with Pakatan Harapan MP for Bentong Wong Tack, PH Pahang State Assemblyman for Tanah Rata Chiong Yoke Kong, and former PH Candidate for Cameron Highlands M. Manogaram, and a convey of 12 vehicles, I was trapped to spend 2019 New Year’s Eve at Kampong Orang Asli Semoi Lama, cut off from all access to the outside world. This was my first experience in 77 years at being trapped at a place, cut off from all access to the outside world, which is particularly poignant in an age of instant communications where information travels at the speed of light. Having to cross the river at Kampong Semoi Lama by driving through it despite its strong currents to reach Orang Asli kampongs in Pos Lenyang and Pos Titom is also an unforgettable experience.

These unanticipated experiences are most invaluable one, as they illustrate vividly the failures of the UMNO/Barisan Nasional government in the upliftment of the Orang Asli people, the first inhabitants in the country, after six decades of federal responsibility. It is a symbol that after six decades, the majority of Orang Asli communities are still cut off from the outside world when they should have already been brought into the mainstream of national development. My being trapped with Bentong MP, Tanah Rata Assemblyman, the former Pakatan Harapan candidate for Cameron Highlands, and a convoy of 12 vehicles, at Kampong Orang Asli Semoi Lama should bring the shocking plight and position of the Orang Ali after six decades of nation-building to the forefront of the Cameron Highlands by-election campaign, as it is time to wipe out Orang Asli poverty, backwardness and isolation after six decades of nation-building.

In the Cameron Highlands election in the 14th General Election, some 80% of the Orang Asli voters voted for the MIC/BN candidate and 20% of the Orang Asli votes for Manogaran and Pakatan Harapan. The time has come for “Reformasi Orang Asli”, and we should aim to reverse the voting trend whereby in the by-election we can get some 80% of the Orang Asli voters to vote for Pakatan Harapan with only 20% going to Barisan Nasional. Can this be done? If this historic result could be produced during the Cameron Highlands by-election, it will mean that at last the Orang Asli in Malaysia have stood up for their rights as full citizens in Malaysia, with all this means in politics, economics, education, health-care, job opportunities, housing and land. This is why I have proposed the holding of a National Orang Asli Conference in Cameron Highlands this month to discuss and formulate a blueprint for Orang Asli upliftment in the New Malaysia of Pakatan Harapan.

If such a National Orang Asli Conference could be held in Cameron Highlands, it would also mean that the Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands who had bravely stood up for the country by being witnesses of truth, justice and democracy against bribery, money-politics and voter-threats in the Cameron Highlands election case, will again create history by spearheading a Reformasi Orang Asli in Malaysia.




至于由新任马华总会长魏家祥所领导的马华领导层是否同意伊斯兰党的国阵在金马仑补选的候选人应该来自巫统而不是国大党的建议呢?我在过去八天已经来到金马仑两次,事实上,我和希望联盟金马仑补选候选人玛诺加兰、希望联盟文冬国会议员黄德、希望联盟彭亨丹那拉打州议员张玉刚曾经在2019年元旦前夕受困于Semoi Lama原住民村落,因为豪雨导致了通往外面的道路无法通行,并和外界切断所有联系。我在金马仑访问两次期间,拜访了选区内九个原住民聚集地中的七个,它们总共有27个原住民村落,我也走访了冷力、巴登威利和甘榜拉惹。



无法提升原住民权益 JAKOA在纳吉掌政八年下失败


VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月14日金曜日







Dua Kolonel Bersara RAMD serah borang sertai DAP

Ahli Parlimen Iskandar Puteri, Lim Kit Siang hari ini menerima kunjungan dua pesara profesional kerajaan, Ahmad Ghazali Abu Hassan dan Mohamad Azudin Othman Fuad di Ibu Pejabat DAP dekat Kuala Lumpur. Mereka masing-masing adalah Lt Kolonel Bersara Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (RAMD) dan ditauliahkan pada 1974. Pertemuan hampir sejam tersebut antara lain membincangkan isu seputar politik semasa dan mengenai Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Cameron Highlands.

Lt Kolonel Bersara Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (RAMD), Mohamad Azudin Othman Fuad.

Mereka turut mengisi borang keahlian DAP dan berikrar membantu kempen calon Pakatan Harapan pada PRK berkenaan. Dalam temu bual ringkas, Ahmad Ghazali yang tidak pernah menyertai mana-mana parti berkata, beliau memilih DAP kerana kecekapan yang ditonjolkan pemimpin parti berkenaan dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab. “Dalam hal kecekapan, tiada (parti) yang boleh tandingi DAP. Ia berpegang teguh kepada perjuangannya. “DAP boleh menjadi teras kepada Pakatan Harapan,” katanya yang juga bekas pensyarah Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM). Mohamad Azudin pula menyifatkan DAP sebagai parti yang telus, berintegriti dan bebas rasuah. “Siapa yang terlibat rasuah dalam DAP? Berikan saya nama kalau ada. “Dia cakap pasal (Lim) Guan Eng (Setiausaha Agung DAP) punya rumah. Rumah selekeh itu, kamu tengok rumah (pemimpin) lain, macam istana,” katanya.

Bekas pensyarah Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), Ahmad Ghazali Abu Hassan.

Turut hadir adalah Adun Kuala Kubu Baharu Lee Kee Hiong.