张哲敏追击马华收取1MDB1650万 报警促查马华不诚实收取盗窃财产



VIDEO: 希盟金马仑国会补选行动室正式启动,全体人民斗士士气高昂!


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2019年1月11日金曜日

VIDEO: 希盟委派玛诺佳南上阵金马仑补选

距离提名日还有8天,希盟今日宣布,行动党候选人玛诺佳南(M Manogaran)将再度上阵金马仑补选。希盟总裁马哈迪是在今日的希盟主席理事会后的记者会上宣布,委派在第14届大选中上阵金马伦选区的玛诺佳南再度披甲上阵,迎战国阵。

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2019年1月3日木曜日


Time for the Orang Asli community to “come in from the cold”

Time for the Orang Asli community to “come in from the cold” and take their place in the national mainstream of Malaysian development and stop being the forgotten or downtrodden community. I am glad to be back to Pos Sinderut after my first visit five months ago in July 2018 with the M. Manogaran, the Pakatan Harapan candidate for Cameron Highlands parliamentary constituency. I have with me the Deputy Minister for Water, Land and Natural Resources, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puri, MP for Bentong Wong Tack and Pahang State Assemblyman for Tanah Rata Chiong Yoke Kong and State Assemblyman for Tras Chow Yu Hui.

When I first visited Pos Sinderut, Manogaran was in the thick of the historic election petition to nullify the outcome of the 14th General Election result for Cameron Highlands because of vote-buying, money politics and threatening of voters in the Barisan Nasional election compaign which resulted in the election of C Sivaraajh of MIC. Manogaran lost Cameron Highlands in the 14th General Election by just 597 votes in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018. As I mentioned in July, Cameron Highlands is the parliamentary constituency with the largest percentage of Orang Asli voters, constituting over 20 per cent of the electorate – even more than the number of Indian voters, although less than the Malay and Chinese voters. The next parliamentary constituencies with the largest number of Orang Asli voters are Tapah and Gua Musang.

The Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands have made history, not only for themselves, the Orang Asli community, but for all 32 million Malaysians and struck a major blow against the kleptocratic culture which the Pakatan Harapan coalition of DAP, PKR, Bersatu and AMANAH have pledged to eradicate. But this is not enough. In the Cameron Highlands by-election for which Nomination on January 12 and Polling on January 26 had been announced by the Election Commission, the Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands are set to make an even greater history for themselves, the Orang Asli in Malaysia and Malaysia as a whole. It is time for the Orang Asli, who are the first inhabitants of this country, to “come in from the cold” and take their place in the national mainstream of Malaysian development to demand justice, freedom, integrity and democracy.

For six decades, the UMNO and Barisan Nasional government had failed the Orang Asli communities, for they are left far behind in the mainstream of national development, remaining forgotten and downtrodden after more than six decades of Merdeka. I received an education on corruption during my dialogue with the Orang Aslis in Pos Sinduret from 14 villages in Sinderut as well as Pos Manson when I visited the area in July, for it was then that I first heard of “roti canai” roads, i.e. substandard roads because of poor workmanship and corruption as the new roads rapidly deteriorate as there was only a thin film of cement on top to hide the shoddy work. There must be no more “roti canai” roads in Cameron Highlands or anywhere else under a New Malaysia which is being built by Pakatan Harapan after the 14th General Election.

After six decades of nation-building, the Orang Aslis should cease to be a neglected and forgotten community in Malaysia. What all Orang Asli communities throughout Malaysia are proper roads, water and electricity, schools and easy access to medical care, housing as well as decent jobs and protection of their customary land rights. The Orang Aslis are no more the unthinking “fixed deposits” for UMNO/Barisan Nasional in elections and they should stand up like the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans have done in the 14th General Election, to demand a New Malaysia of Justice, Integrity, Freedom and Democracy for their children and children’s children. I am proud that at the launch of the Pakatan Harapan Cameron Highlands by-election ops centre in Pos Senderut today.

We have with us six of the score of Orang Asli witnesses who bravely testified about electoral offences of bribery and money politics in Kuala Lumpur Court in the successful Cameron Highlands election court battle. They are not only the heroes of Orang Asli communities in Malaysia, they are in fact Malaysian heroes for they play a significant and historic role to repudiate Malaysia’s ill-fame as a global kleptocracy and to establish it as a clean and incorruptible country where there is electoral integrity and rule of law. I had suggested when launching the Pakaran Harapan Cameron Highlands by-election ops centre at Pos Betau earlier today the holding of a National Orang Asli Conference in Cameron Highlands next month to discuss and formulate a blueprint for Orang Asli upliftment in the New Malaysia of Pakatan Harapan.

If such a National Orang Asli Conference could be held in Cameron Highlands next month, it would also be a most appropriate occasion to honour the score of Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands who had bravely stood up for the country by being witnesses of truth, justice and democracy to speak up against bribery, money-politics and voter-threatening in the Cameron Highlands election case.


財政部长林冠英再促马华总会长拿督斯里魏家祥遵守法律,將1650万令吉的大选资金归还给一马发展公司,別等到当局採取行动 。他说, 一马发展公司是財政部全资拥有,因此也是属于政府。他表示, 政府目前先针对一马公司上亿令吉的案件进行调查,过后才会慢慢再调查那些涉及较少钱財舞弊的一马公司案。林冠英今日在政府拨给註册宗教私塾学校的2500万令吉特別维修拨款,移交给首相署部长拿督斯里慕扎希后,在记者会上,如是指出。



VIDEO: 倪可敏宣布政府将偿还354亿退款予广大商家,经济起飞指日可待!!

VIDEO: 倪可敏宣布政府将偿还354亿退款予广大商家,经济起飞指日可待!!

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月16日日曜日

他指出,砂州政府不惜撒谎,包括对联邦政府作出不实的指控,以达到他们的目的。「我知道这些都是他们在未来两年內, 针对砂州选举所做的准备,但恳求你们,政府准备接受任何指控,但要的话也作出有根据的指控,不要学纳吉,只会作出不实的指控。」林冠英在记者会回上应有关砂拉越旅游税的课题时,如是指出。

VIDEO: 不听可敏言, 吃亐在眼前!

VIDEO: 不听可敏言, 吃亐在眼前!

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月15日土曜日


VIDEO: 后廊有可敏、佳音陆续来!

VIDEO: 后廊有可敏、佳音陆续来!

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月15日土曜日

VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月14日金曜日


企业发展部长拿督斯里礼端指出, 该部的2000万令吉科技研发拨款,部分將用于开发第三国產车的原型。礼端说,企业家发展部与其他部门一样,都有用于科技研发的资金拨款,而他向內阁提出了自己的看法,即利用这笔资金创建了第三国產车。礼端今日在2019年大马清真博览会启动仪式上,如是指出。

VIDEO: 史上首位元首辞职 继任者须4周内出炉

吉兰丹苏丹莫哈末五世卸下第15任国家元首 一职,成为我国史上第一位退位的国家元首,而谁将会是继任者也备受关注。按照顺位名单,元首职应该轮到彭亨苏丹,但,彭亨苏丹身体不适,已经由儿子代摄政务,因此,第二顺位的柔佛苏丹,也有可能登上大位。这项重任就交由马来统治者理事会来承担,最迟在4个星期内推举新的国家元首。

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2019年1月7日月曜日


VIDEO: 倪可敏:拿出证据举报教育拨款抽佣者


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2019年1月3日木曜日



Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月29日土曜日

VIDEO: 王赛之建议出任財长 倪可敏:讲话不经大脑

VIDEO: 王赛之建议出任財长 倪可敏:讲话不经大脑

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月20日木曜日

开条件金援1MDB报导引注目 中国驳《华尔街》指控



