2019 will probably be the most decisive year which will decide whether New Malaysia is a work-in-progress or a sheer chimera

2018, Malaysians stood tall for the first time in many years and shocked themselves as well as the world by carrying out a peaceful and democratic transition of power in Putrajaya to give hope to Malaysians and the world not to give up on democracy, however noisy and messy it might be, as a system of governance. 2019 will probably be the most decisive year in the nation’s history which will decide whether the New Malaysia the Pakatan Harapan coalition of DAP, Bersatu, PKR and AMANAH want to build is a work-in-progress or a sheer chimera.

May 9, 2018 allows Malaysians a hitherto unimaginable chance to re-set nation-building policies, but a New Malaysia cannot be built or completed in 100 days, two years or even a five-year general election cycle but will take a decade or two to accomplish. A New Malaysia is struggling to be born and all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, politics, gender, sex, inside the country or in the worldwide diaspora, must take ownership of and participate in the process of the making of a New Malaysia. The journey towards a New Malaysia must strike deep roots in 2019 in terms of structural and institutional reforms in 2019 to transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity; restore the rule of law; entrench democracy; reform the educational system to make Malaysia a top world-class nation; unite Malaysians of diverse races, religions and cultures and leverage on the assets of the different races, religions, cultures and civilisations which meet in confluence in Malaysia to build a new global civilization.

In short, Malaysians must reach for the world and must compete with the rest of the world instead of among themselves. From an era of ketuanan Melayu, all Malaysiansn must move to an epoch of ketuanan Malaysian. Nation building must not be a zero sum game but a win-win formula. We must fight for the rights of the Malays but not at the expense of the non-Malays. We must fight for the rights of the Chinese in Malaysia, but not to the detriment of the non-Chinese. Similarly, we must fight for the rights of the Indians in Malaysia without being a threat to the non-Indians in Malaysia. Similarly for the Kadazans, Ibans and Orang Asli communities in Malaysia.

Let 2020 be the year Malaysians can begin to celebrate the fruits of a New Malaysians.

Lim Kit Siang : Call for the holding of a National Orang Asli Conference in Cameron Highlands to present a blueprint for Orang Asli upliftment in New Malaysia

The Cameron Highlands by-election will be historic for many reasons. It will highlight the Pakatan Harapan’s commitment as expressed in the May 9, 2018 decision of the 14th General Election to save Malaysia by transforming Malaysia from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity. It will be the first by-election caused by the commitment of Orang Asli to a clean and incorruptible government, electoral integrity and hatred of electoral abuses including corruption and money politics. Corruption, money politics and electoral offences took place all over the country, but such electoral offences had been allowed to take place with impunity and immunity until the Orang Asli from Cameron Highlands took a stand with several of them becoming key witnesses in the election appeal which led to a Cameron Highlands by-election.

The victory in the Election Court resulting in the holding of a by-election on January 26 demonstrates that Orang Asli, like the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans also want change in the national political system where every Malaysian citizen can enjoy justice and fair play. The by-election will be an opportunity for the Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands – which is the parliamentary constituency with the most number of Orang Ali voters, followed by Tapah and Gua Musang – to set the historic pace for the 200,000 Orang Ali in the country by holding a National Orang Ali Conference to formulate a blueprint for the upliftment of Orang Asli community in Malaysia. This National Orang Asli Conference must be decided by the Orang Asi leaders, and the idea should be discussed with JAKOA (Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli) and the Orang Asli NGOs.

I appoint the Deputy Minister for Water, Land and Natural Resources, Tengku Zulpuri, DAP MP for Bentong, Wong Tack and the former Pakatan Harapan parliamentary candidate for Cameron Highlands, A. Manogaran as members of a panel of advisers to explore with JAKOA and Orang Asli NGOs on the.possibility of holding such a National Orang Asli Conference.


這里可以看到的花不是普通的花,而是世界最大的花──大王花(又稱萊弗士花)。大王花屬奇花異卉,生長在深山野嶺,因此要探花少不了要在森林里跋涉,消耗體力免不了,可能還會惹上噁心的吸血蟲,最後氣血兩傷。我們一行人登上小羅里,被送到烏魯哥羅(Ulu Geroh)原住民村。當得知務邊的大王花生長地,有距離1個、3個及5個小時路程,而蒙天垂憐,這次開花的地方只需步行一個半小時,心里著實高興。

VIDEO: 本期玩轉霹靂來務邊,賞花追蝶去!


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月30日日曜日


VIDEO: 金寶展現別具一格的旅游魅力!


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月30日日曜日

一行人心滿意足踏上來時路,雖有人還為著水蛭“造訪光顧”後留下的血流憂郁著,但大家看來比來時輕鬆,會去留意路上的細節,有人竟看到著陸在草尖上的蒲公英毛絨絨種子、度假村的同伴一邊走一邊採摘芭菇菜,也有愛好蒔花種草友人尋覓花材。來到Ulu Geroh,另一不可缺的行程是追蝶,追翠葉紅頸鳳蝶(Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing),遠遠看幾隻翠葉紅頸鳳蝶在水灘上吸水,其他已展翅飛開,敢情是被比我們早到的同伴驚走了。待我們走近,就連那些還在吸水的也跑了,它們雖不少都朝林子深處飛去,但也有一些在附近徘徊。這種蝴蝶翼長15至17厘米,黑色蝶翼上那道青綠色的鳥翼狀圖案非常吸睛。

VIDEO: 來一趟“世界之巔”椰殼洞之旅

椰殼洞冒險之旅,唯有在走過“世界之巔”之後,才能感受到腎上腺素飆升的刺激感!岩洞旅遊可分為遊覽式及探險式,而椰殼洞兩者都有,位於旅程中途的“世界之巔”就是兩種性質旅遊的分水嶺。現先帶大家穿越上半段路程,直接來嚮導們口中的Top Of The World!顧名思義,“世界之巔”是最接近洞頂的路段。

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月30日日曜日


“Bong Bong!(意思是全部人坐下)”艇長一聲令下,我和另4名同伴反射性滑進橡皮艇里。說明圖不是寫著要過了破水壩後才抵達連跌兩層的河水流經斷層,怎麼現在連塊水泥殘骸都不見,金寶河激流泛舟7公里行程中,最驚心刺激的雙重跌水就橫陳在眼前?

VIDEO: 金寶河7公里激流泛舟

“Bong Bong!(意思是全部人坐下)”艇長一聲令下,我和另4名同伴反射性滑進橡皮艇里。說明圖不是寫著要過了破水壩後才抵達連跌兩層的河水流經斷層,怎麼現在連塊水泥殘骸都不見,金寶河激流泛舟7公里行程中,最驚心刺激的雙重跌水就橫陳在眼前?

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月30日日曜日


世界100綠化城市, 馬來西亞太平是亞洲名單其中少數的榮譽者。

霹雳太平/Taiping,是霹雳州第二大城镇,也是拉律峇登司南馬縣縣府。多雨被稱為雨城,是遺產城市,在1874年建設起來,面積186.46 平方公里,人口總計35萬,綠色環保保護完整,雨林覆蓋百份之七十五土地,空氣質量優良,源自太平山的清潔山泉供應人們的日常需求,環保低碳,得天獨厚,絕無僅有。

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月29日土曜日


VIDEO: 金寶展現別具一格的旅游魅力!


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月30日日曜日

Solidariti Dengan Ketua ARMADA Tegas Tolak Budaya Ambil Kontrak

Kenyataan Media Bersama Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Sosialis DAP (AJK DAPSY) Leong Yu Sheng, Tan Tiong Yih dan Woo Kah Leong pada 30.12.2018. Kami menyokong penuh kenyataan Ketua ARMADA Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman yang menegur perwakilan PPBM yang meminta kontrak daripada kerajaan dalam Perhimpunan Agung Tahunan Bersatu Ke-2. Saudara Syed Saddiq telah mengecam sesetengah perwakilan PPBM yang telah menggunakan pentas perhimpunan agung untuk meminta kontrak daripada kerajaan. Malah saudara Syed Saddiq turut menyentuh bahawa dahulunya UMNO pun tidak pernah membangkitkan isu kontrak di khalayak ramai dan beliau turut bertanyakan di manakah maruah mereka.

VIDEO: 前朝留烂摊子逞英雄 谢绝巫统文化退党人


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月30日日曜日

Sesungguhnya budaya kontrak dan amalan kronisme merupakan sebab utama kejatuhan rejim UMNO BN dalam PRU yang lepas. Dahulunya kebanyakan pemimpin UMNO mengejar kekayaan melalui wadah perolehan kontrak dan inilah yang menyebabkan rakyat jelata secara umumnya membenci akan UMNO dan seterusnya menolak UMNO BN apabila tibanya hari pengundian. “Pemimpin Pakatan Harapan, tidak kiranya daripada parti apa mahupun pemimpin peringkat mana-manapun, harus menunjukkan perbezaan mereka dengan rejim UMNO BN dalam berpolitik. Pemimpin kerajaan baharu tidak seharusnya mengulangi kesilapan rejim terdahulu yang telah terjerumus dalam budaya pemberian kontrak kepada kroni-kroni,” ujar ketiga-tiga AJK DAPSY tersebut.

VIDEO: 慕尤丁揶揄巫统是盗贼 巫伊合作纯为政治利益


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月29日土曜日

Kami menyeru semua pemimpin Pakatan Harapan untuk menunjukkan kepimpinan melalui teladan dengan memastikan bahawa tiadanya budaya pengambilan kontrak untuk kepentingan diri sendiri ataupun pemberian kontrak kepada kroni untuk sebarang projek kerajaan lantaran rakyat sedang menilai dan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan tidak harus membiarkan barah ambil kontrak yang merebak dalam kalangan UMNO BN untuk sesekalipun wujud dalam Pakatan Harapan.

Video : Tergempar!! Presiden PAS Hadi Awang kantoi bila diserlah sebagai racun perkauman yang memalukan ISLAM di London!! 💥💥

Video : Tergempar!! Presiden PAS Hadi Awang kantoi bila diserlah sebagai racun perkauman yang memalukan ISLAM di London!! 💥💥

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月25日火曜日