Bantu MPT Jaga Keindahan Taman Tasik Taiping

TAIPING:Majlis Perbandaran Taiping (MPT) memberi saranan supaya seluruh pihak termasuk Badan Bukan kerajaan (NGO) serta agensi-agensi kerajaan dan swasta agar berganding bahu untuk berusaha mengekalkan keharmonian, kelestarian dan kebersihan di Taman Tasik Taiping di sini. Yang Dipertua MPT Datuk Abd Rahim Md. Ariff berkata pihak MPT amat peka dan bertegas dalam penjagaan taman tasik ini dan sentiasa memastikan segala bentuk perancangan perlu mematuhi peraturan dan perundangan sedia ada.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada majlis perasmian papan tanda ‘I LOVE TAIPING’ di tasik Taiping hari ini. Terdahulu papan tanda tersebut merupakan sumbangan Adun Pokok Asam Leow Thye Yih, yang bakal menjadi mercu tanda dan ‘photo corner’ di Lake Front, Taman Tasik Taiping sekaligus menjadi tarikan terbaru di sini. Sementara itu jelas Abd Rahim lagi, Taman Tasik Taiping adalah di antara lokasi di Taiping yang paling aktif dan paling banyak menerima kunjungan pelawat dan pelancong sejak dari dahulu lagi. “Taman Tasik Taiping dibangunkan secara asalnya mengikut konsep ‘Rolling Meadows’, iaitu konsep mengadaptasi kawasan hijau dan lapang berkontur dan pokok-pokok besar sebagai elemen utama serta tasik sebagai pelengkap lanskapny malah dalam catatan sejarah pernah menceritakan keindahan Taman Tasik Taiping ini ketika ia dibangunkan, kelihatan seolah-olah menyamai Kensington Park di London, iaitu sebuah taman awam yang tersenarai dalam lapan ‘Royal Park’ tercantik di London.

“Fungsi lain Taman Tasik Taiping selain sebagai taman awam dan taman rekreasi, ia juga adalah sebahagian dari zon takungan air untuk mengelakan kejadian banjir kilat di bandar Taiping. “Taman Tasik Taiping juga menjadi rumah kepada lebih 2,500 batang pokok dari lebih 75 spesis termasuk spesis eksotik seperti teratai putih, pokok seroja, pokok tembusu, pokok Hujan-Hujan, pokok Brazil Nut, Jacaranda Filicifolia serta pelbagai spesis tempatan,” katanya. Katanya lagi, taman ini sewajarnya dikekalkan sebagai aset dan khazanah negara dalam bentuk asalnya dan dalam masa yang sama dinikmati oleh orang ramai. “Sungguhpun MPT mempunyai jadual tetap mengurus dan membersihkan taman ini serta memiliki kuasa untuk menjalankan tindakakan penguatkuasaan, namun kerjasama orang ramai terutama pengunjung dan pelawat untuk menjaga taman ini amatlah diharapkan. “Inilah satu-satunya taman awam dalam bandar Taiping yang menjadi tumpuan rekreasi oleh penduduk tempatan dan pelawat serta satu-satunya kawasan hijau yang luas serta menjadi rumah kepada ribuan flora dan fauna, serangga dan unggas serta pelbagai hidupan kecil dan besar,” katanya.

Tambahnya pengiktirafan Taiping yang tersenarai dalam 100 destinasi lestari @ hijau terbaik dunia 2018 oleh Green Destination Award dan Taman Tasik Taiping sendiri pernah memenangi pelbagai anugerah di peringkat kebangsaan termasuklah dinobatkan sebagai ’Best City & Town Park 2018’, Destinasi Pelancongan Warisan & Eko Terbaik oleh Malaysia Tourism Council Gold Award, Green Initiative Award oleh Malaysia Landscape Architecture Award 2017 dan lain-lain membuktikan keunikan taman tasik ini. “Anugerah-anugerah ini merupakan platform yang telah dipasakkan oleh MPT dengan bantuan dan kerjasama masyarakat yang turut sama menjaga kelestarian taman ini. “Namun tidak dinafikan terdapat segelintir masyarakat yang kurang beretika dan memandang enteng ke atas usaha yang telah dilaksanakan.Perbuatan merosakkan keindahan dan kebersihan taman tasik ini adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh diterima dan sewajarnya dihentikan.

“Walaupun taman ini dibuka untuk orang awam namun ini tidak bermakna bahawa orang awam boleh sewenang-wenangnya melakukan perbuatan sesuka hati merek malah ada peraturan yang telah digariskan dan dipaparkan kepada umum dan semua pihak wajib mematuhi peraturan ini tanpa alasan dan sebab tertentu,” katanya. Berikutan itu katanya sebarang perancangan untuk pembangunan dalam radius 200 meter dari tapak warisan terbabit, perlulah mendapat ulasan dari Jabatan Warisan terlebih dahulu sebelum proses seterusnya.





VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月14日金曜日



VIDEO: 倪可敏:拿出证据举报教育拨款抽佣者


Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2019年1月3日木曜日

儘管如此,虽然只有5方的代表现身今早匯报会,但金马仑坊间也谣传民政党及泛马伊斯兰阵线(Berjasa),预计也会派员参上一脚,使补选最终或將上演7角混战的局面。尤其是民政党, 该党的助选团已从全国各地陆续涌入金马仑驻守,而可能上阵的人选包括该党中委及在金马仑开设诊所的艾迪,还有前任丹那拉打州议员拿督何业嘉,其中后者的声望较高。至于在过去两届大选都上阵金马仑高原,並遭受重挫的泛马伊斯兰阵线,则传出该党基于在日黎州选区仍有不少基层,因此也將派员上阵。

VIDEO: 王赛之建议出任財长 倪可敏:讲话不经大脑

VIDEO: 王赛之建议出任財长 倪可敏:讲话不经大脑

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月20日木曜日


VIDEO: 倪可敏宣布政府将偿还354亿退款予广大商家,经济起飞指日可待!!

VIDEO: 倪可敏宣布政府将偿还354亿退款予广大商家,经济起飞指日可待!!

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月16日日曜日


VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

VIDEO: 萧慧敏独家一对一专访 跟拍倪可敏私下另一面

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月14日金曜日

此外,行动党已圈定的候选人玛诺佳南(M Manogaran)受访时则点出,无论是巫统或国大党出战,金马仑高原补选还是一场艰辛战役。“我不太担心,是巫统或国大党出战,(毕竟)我们都始终都要面对艰辛的竞选,因为国阵竞选机器很强悍。同一时间,我(却)也不忧虑,我们准备应对任何人……”“我知道这是一场很艰难之战,我处于下风。但我们还是会继续奋斗,这是国阵堡垒。我希望人民会支持我,这是我第三次参选金马仑高原国席。”

VIDEO: 拖延多年的太平新民华小教学楼经倪可敏团队协助下终于获得入伙准证!

VIDEO: 拖延多年的太平新民华小教学楼经倪可敏团队协助下终于获得入伙准证!

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月14日金曜日


VIDEO: 下月推保健食物卡 倪可敏:料2万戶受惠。

VIDEO: 下月推保健食物卡 倪可敏:料2万戶受惠。

Nga Kor Ming Super Fans Page 倪可敏超级粉丝俱乐部さんの投稿 2018年12月15日土曜日

The battle against kleptocracy must be widened to include not only the kleptocrats but also the “enablers of kleptocracy”

The battle against kleptocracy must be widened to include not only the kleptocrats but also the “enablers of kleptocracy” to ensure that the culture of integrity strikes deep root in Malaysia in our journey to transform a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity. The New Year of 2019 has only entered into the fourth day but it is pregnant with meaning for Malaysians who want to see the culture of integrity strike deep root in Malaysia in our journey to transform a global kleptocracy into a leading a nation of integrity, with the battle against kleptocracy widened to include a war not only against kleptocrats but also against the “enablers of kleptocracy”!

It is good to see that a top MCA leader has acknowledged the existence of “enablers of kleptocracy” in a media statement dated 1st January 2019, although the MCA leadership has still to pluck up sufficient political courage and patriotism to acknowledge that the ignominious chapter in the nation’s history where the country was condemned worldwide as a “global kleptocracy” was because MCA Ministers and leaders became “enablers of kleptocracy”, aiding and abetting former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the monstrous 1MDB corruption and money-laundering scandal and other 1MDB-line scandals in Felda, Felcra, Tabung Haji and MARA. Malaysians must adopt the attitude that governments can come and go, but the campaign to improve Malaysia’s integrity in the international community must continue relentlessly, as reflected in the various integrity indices, like the annual Transparency International Corruption Perception Index.

This is why on final days of 2018, I had called for a step closer to closure of the monstrous 1MDB scandal and kleptocratic Malaysia with all who had aided and abetted Najib in his kleptocratic rule – including former Ministers and MPs – apologising to all Malaysians for being “enablers of Najib kleptocracy” instead of carrying the cross of being “enablers of kleptocracy” into the new year, like the MCA President Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong and the PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Furthermore, I had also urged all political parties and politicians, including MPs of the 13th Parliament, to return to public coffers any funding and donations they had received from the 1MDB scandal.

The first three days of 2019 had begun with a fantastic start with regard to the sacred task to implant the culture of integrity in Malaysia so as to transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity. Firstly, there was continuing public debate and expression of shock by a widening circle of Malaysian society over Bersatu vice-president Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman’s call for the party to use government resources so that it can hold on to power “by hook or by crook”. I believe the overwhelming majority of Pakatan Harapan leaders and members do not want to hold on to power “by hook or by crook” or the Pakatan Harapan would be no different from Najib’s UMNO and Barisan Nasional. The year 2019 will be a test whether Pakatan Harapan government in Putrajaya is committed to electoral and institutional reforms to ensure that the culture of integrity strike deep roots in Malaysian society, and Malaysia is looked up as a model by the world in our commitment to accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.

I fully support Bersih’s call for an Administrative Neutrality Act to deal with political patronage, as well as the abuse of government resources or public power for partisan purposes. Those who commit crimes should face criminal prosecution, while those who fail to justify their acts must be subject to administrative penalties, such as termination of service, demotion or transfer. Parliament should enact a Political Financing Control Act, as stated under Promise 18 in Harapan’s election manifesto, as a measure against the misappropriation and misuse of funds belonging to the government by political parties, as in the 1MDB scandal. Secondly, Malaysians can take heart from the Muar incident over the allegation of 30 per cent commission demanded by politicians over educational development allocations to schools, and the alacrity with which the Minister of Youth and Sports and MP for Muar, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, had acted in asking his office to lodge a police report over an individual claiming to be “an assistant of the Muar MP” and soliciting 30% commission for services.

Thirdly, the Court of Appeal decision yesterday upholding the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court decision on Feb. 19, 2016 jailing the former Pahang Umno Youth chief Datuk Mohd Mustafa Mohd Khalid for three years for cheating a managing director of a company of RM1 million over a Scanning System project. It is a clear and unmistakable signal that the era that politicians and political operatives can get away with corruption and bribery with immunity and impunity is over, and there is a new respect for the rule of law to maintain public integrity in Malaysia. Fourthly, and most important of all, the country will be holding a parliamentary by-election because we are entering a new phase where there must also be integrity in the electoral process, where there is no money politics and electoral offences in elections.

The Cameron Highlands parliamentary by-election on January 26 will be the first of its kind, heralding that the country is committed to integrity in its public institutions and systems. The Camerons Highlands by-election should be between integrity as represented by Pakatan Harapan and kleptocracy as represented by Barisan Nasional. It was from the Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands that I learn the term “roti canai” roads, ie. substandard roads, because of poor workmanship and corruption. These “roti canai” roads rapidly deteriorate as there is only a thin film of cement on top to hide the shoddy work. Let the Cameron Highlands signal the advent of a New Malaysia, where corruption and improprieties in any form are condemned and penalised. Is the Barisan Nasional prepared to enter into a pledge of public integrity in the Cameron Highlands by-election, highlighting the national resolve and commitment to instil a culture of integrity in public life including an unremitting war not only against kleptocracy but also against the enablers of kleptocracy in Malaysia in the past few years?

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 4th January 2019)

Diversion of 30 per cent or any percentage of school allocation for any political purpose is sheer corruption

Diversion of 30 per cent or any percentage of school allocation for any political purpose is sheer corruption and not permitted Pakatan Harapan practice but belongs to Barisan Nasional era of the past, and must be exposed and rooted out and individuals concerned punished according to the law and sacked if he holds any political office. Since 7 pm yesterday, the Sin Chew street edition had carried a shocking front-page expose of compulsory diversion of 30 per cent of school allocations in Muar allegedly by a special officer of an elected representative.

The diversion of 30 per cent or any percentage of school allocation for any political purpose is sheer corruption and not permitted Pakatan Harapan practice but belongs to Barisan Nasional era of the past, and must be exposed and rooted out and the individuals concerned punished according to the law and sacked if he holds any political office. There can be no compromise with such corrupt practices and those who are guilty of such corrupt practices, regardless of which Pakatan Harapan party they are from, must be prosecuted to the hilt without any mercy.