Ucapan Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Salam Ramadan kepada semua.

1. Semoga semua umat Islam dalam negara ini mendapat nikmat dari Allah setelah menjalani ibadah berpuasa sepanjang bulan Ramadan ini.

2. Sempena musim perayaan ini, saya berdoa supaya semua dapat menjalin siralturahim dengan keluarga tersayang dan menjaga kasih sayang & keharmonian dalam keluarga, khususnya perasan hormat kepada ibu dan bapa yang tersayang.

3. Bagaimanapun, ketika dalam perjalanan balik kampung atau menziarahi sanak-saudara, suka cita diingatkan supaya perlu berhati-hati dijalan raya, sila ingat : pandu cermat, jiwa selamat.

4. Akhir sekali, saya seisi keluarga ingin memohon maaf zahir & batin kepada rakan-rakan jika ada kata-kata atau kelakuan yang tersilap. Marilah kita membela semangat amal makruk nahi mungkar.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

YB Nga Kor Ming

Ahli Parlimen TAIPING/ADUN Kepayang

Pengerusi DAP Perak

霹雳行动党声援林冠英 抨击国阵缔造黑暗国度





倪可敏指出,这起亊件是十分明显的选择性提控,更突显总检察长在处理1 MDB丑闻、SRC 4千200万丑闻及涉及首相纳吉私人户口42亿丑闻的偏差与不公。









Jawatankuasa Negeri DAP Perak sebulat suara memutuskan usul-usul berikut: –

1. Kedua-dua pertuduhan terhadap Setiausaha Agung dan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Saudara Lim Guan Eng adalah pertuduhan tanpa asas dan merupakan pendakwaan pilihan bermotif politik. Jawatankuasa Negeri Perak menyokong sepenuhnya segala usaha parti untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau tidak bersalah.

2. Adalah jelas Sdr Lim Guan Eng tidak ada sebarang kuasa atau pengaruh ke atas unit pendakwaan iaitu pejabat Peguam Negara mahupun SPRM. Oleh itu, Jawatankuasa Negeri DAP Perak memutuskan bahawa tiada keperluan untuk Saudara Lim Guan Eng meletak jawatan sebagai Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang atau untuk beliau mengambil cuti daripada tanggungjawab sebagai Ketua Menteri.

3. Jawatankuasa Negeri DAP Perak memberi sokongan penuh kepada pimpinan Sdr Lim Guan Eng dan percaya bahawa beliau adalah tidak bersalah sebaliknya pendakwaan pilihan oleh peguam negara sendiri terbukti integriti institusi negara telah tergadai dan dalam keadaan amat membimbangkan.

Nga Kor Ming

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Negeri DAP Perak
30 Jun 2016.

Should Lim Guan Eng step aside?

My answer is: definitely NOT. My reasons are as follows.

The question of ‘stepping aside for the time being’ will arise if the person charged is in control of, or has influence over, the Prosecution.
In this case, it is the exact OPPOSITE.
Not only does the person charged not have any influence over the Prosecution at all, it is his political foes who have such influence.

A second scenario in which the question of ‘stepping aside’ can be meaningfully asked is where there exists a truly INDEPENDENT PROSECUTION.

We clearly don’t have one. The recent sudden change of the AG is a reminder of this fact. One of the outgoing MACC top officers also recently admitted that there have been political interferences.
In our circumstances, therefore, the answer to the above question must be in the negative.
In circumstances like ours, where it is his political foes who either have control or influence over prosecution, and if an elected representative has to step aside because he is charged, then the people’s ballots will have no meaning. Democracy can be easily defeated by those in power, through misusing prosecution powers. Those in power, and who are either in control of or have influence over prosecution, can at any time wipe out or weaken their major political enemies, when outcomes of prosecutions take months and years.

This is a clear political persecution case & Perak DAP is in full solidarity with Guan Eng.

Speech by YAB Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng

Dear Malaysian,

What type of country do we want our children to grow up when those who gained benefits and donations amounting to billions of ringgit are not charged for corruption whilst those who gained no benefit are prosecuted for corruption.

BN can prosecute & persecute me but will not kill my passion to free Malaysia from corruption.

BN can victimize me but will not crush my spirit to free Malaysia from those who steal our children’s future.

BN can even humiliate me by unnecessary detaining me overnight but will not succeed in changing white to black and black to white, right cannot become wrong and wrong cannot become right.

BN will  not break my party’s unity – we stand together as leaders and members to battle for reforms towards a better Malaysia with freedom, justice and democracy.

If BN feels that they can bend or break me by arresting me, they are wrong! I will die standing than live on bended knees.

A free Malaysia, a fair Malaysia, a  prosperous Malaysia for all is worth fighting for!

Lim Guan Eng