Pakatan Harapan Perak announce to pull out from all the sub Exco committee with immediate effect

Pakatan Harapan Perak announce to pull out from all the sub Exco committee with immediate effect

Today PH made announcement that Pakatan Harapan Perak is withdrawing from all the state Exco sub committee : –

1. There are total 17 PH’s assemblymen involved in the Exco sub committee since 2013.

2. There are 8 such committees namely : –

a. Jawatan kuasa khas masalah penternakan khinjil

b. Jawatankuasa pengangkutan awam

c. Jawatankuasa Khas 30% pengupayaan Wanita

d. Jawatankuasa khas masalah kecurian pasir

e. Jawatan kuasa khas masalah jenayah

f. Jawatankuasa khas menangani masalah lalat di Manjung

g. Jawatankuasa penyamaran pencemaran radioaktif kilang ARE Bukit Merah

h. Jawatankuasa pengurusan sisa pepejal.

3. PH had given 100% Co-operatio to the sub Exco committee but after more than 3 years, we found out that BN state government only set up these 8 committee for window dressing to mislead the public with no political will to implement the reforms or proposals suggested by Pakatan Harapan.

Further more, the committee can’t make any decision & it is powerless. We had tried to give constructive suggestion but nothing is happening.

4. We unanimously ask the state government to set up select committee through state legislative assembly as it is only appropriate to do so given the fact we are legislative members & pursuant to doctrine separation of power. We demand the following committee to be set up : –

a. Select committee on local government

b. Select committee on land administration

c. Select committee on state government GLC.

No more window dressing, we demand the real political reform!

Thank you.